
“be not blind for the soul lies deep”


BIG news on the business front!

When Holly and I met she was looking for someone to teach her more about photography and trying to find out if she should go to school again for that instead of sticking with graphic design which is what she graduated with.

At this time, I was looking for someone to design me a logo and website. That’s the premiss of how we met essentially for those of you who didn’t know. So she was looking for a photographer to show her the ropes…We technically have to say we met on-line… Which is kind of embarrassing for us =) She always makes me tell the story when people ask because I can tell it in a way that doesn’t spotlight that fact but doesn’t lie about how we met either!

My point is that at first Holly was with me shooting weddings because I could use a hand being pretty inexperienced, and because she wanted some more practice. We quickly became a great team and have actually been together since my first paying wedding!

So the whole point of this story is that Holly has been more in the background where I got most of the credit for her amazing editing, and a lot of her shots that no-one knew were hers! You can’t say we are just Ryan Richard Photography anymore. It’s not just me, it’s us! She has improved by leaps and bounds and there is no way I could produce what I promise without her. So to celebrate and recognize the goodness she brings to the table, we are now GAUPERPHOTO!

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What do ya think? I struggled for a while about changing it to my last name because no one can seem to say it right! If you actually look at it and sound it out, it’s not that hard. Gaw-per. Not Galper, Glopper, Grooper,Goopie,Golper,Gumper,groper or Galapanokis.

GAUPER … I have gone through a lot of frustration, but I am putting my trust into mankind one more so please don’t let me down! Even with Ryan Richard people would always call me Richard for some reason, or say Ryan Richards…So I am counting on you guys to get it right… got it? =)

So anyway, we have a bridal show coming up where we are the only photography vendors. The Radisson is putting on a non-traditional show that is going to be really great! Unfortunately, we have a wedding in Long Island the same day. I have been super pumped to do that wedding but we are bummed to not be able to do the show but we figured a big NY wedding and a big bridal show would be the perfect time to unveil a new logo and name!

Part of the deal of having a free booth and being a preferred vendor all year for the fanciest hotel in town was that I had to shoot the bridal show. Since I obviously couldn’t I asked if I could hire someone out to do that so I could still have the booth. I had someone great in mind and they accepted! My favorite new wedding photographer is Diana Vermeulen of Moxie Photography. I have been referring people to her left and right because she does great work for the price so if we are booked on your date or are a little out of our range, be sure to look her up!

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Since we are getting an all new identity, we needed a few fresh new images of us to display at the Bridal show we will be doing a full session soon, with another one of my new favorite photographers we have been hanging out with, Melissa Gregersen

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But since we didn’t have time to do a full session we went out for a few shots with my brother in law Dave who we are thinking about hiring on as an intern this summer.

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He graduated from Western with a marketing degree and we think he has a lot of potential not only on the business side but possibly behind the camera with some practice! These are a few shots he took for us. Thanks Dave!

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Pretty nice for his first time wielding a nice camera right?

We wanted to do a giant overhaul with a new website and blog but that just wasn’t going to happen by the NY trip and we really wanted to do it for the show and the wedding. Be on the lookout for at least a new blog by the beginning of the summer because a nice blog is LONG overdue and we know that. The new one will be much more enjoyable to visit!

But anyways, that’s the big news! I hope you guys like it. I feel like we have more of our own style and the old logo only portrayed our traditional and classic side but had nothing to do with the rustic and industrial side. I think it suits us much better and is much more modern. Let us know what you think!!

Gauper out =)


10 Comments so far

  1. Jessica April 13th, 2009 10:01 pm

    That is so exciting you guys!! I love the new name/look and you guys are gonna ROCK it! You will always be my number 1 fav team!!

  2. ty April 14th, 2009 2:41 am

    Excellent work. Like the new look and the last name makes sense.

  3. konrad April 14th, 2009 3:21 am

    you guys are such the perfect team. i’m so excited for the success God is bringing you.

  4. Brianne Herrman April 14th, 2009 3:24 am

    Gauper – out… love that! (we call my hubby Focker due to several mishaps in trying to impress my folks when we were dating!)

    Congratulations on the new name! I love the logo too.

    For the record, I think I had your last name right from the beginning! I can totally sympathize with you though… I’ve been known as Brian, Brianna, Fran (!), Bran, oh, the list is endless…

  5. Katie Kruithof April 14th, 2009 4:42 am

    I love the name change! Very fitting 🙂 You two are a dynamite team!

  6. Lauren April 14th, 2009 4:43 am

    I was wondering if you two would change the name. Holly’s work in fantastic, I love the change. Your brother’s got a great eye too. 🙂


  7. Ashley April 14th, 2009 7:24 am

    Congrats on the new name! Whoo-hoo for you guys! I am totally going to be looking for some rockin’ wedding pictures this summer.

  8. jessica dietzel April 14th, 2009 10:26 am

    I love the new look and I’m glad you decided to put both of your names on the business. Because your just get started it’s a great time to make the change. Tell Holly I knew she was the brains behind the scenes!!! Hee hee. Us women never get the credit! You guys make a great team and will go to great places. I believe that. Just remember to put God first and he’ll do great things through you!!

  9. Jennifer April 21st, 2009 5:28 pm

    I like the name change 🙂 and I love the photos of you guys!

  10. Christi April 26th, 2009 8:01 am

    Congrats! I love it!

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