
“be not blind for the soul lies deep”

Archive for November, 2008

new music {katie costello}

post by: holly

I have been editing like a crazy woman lately trying to catch up on weddings. I been getting sick so much lately that everything just got away from me. I am finally feeling better again and back at it. After a couple hundred photos, I needed a break and my usual tv shows were all old episodes so I went looking for some new music to help me get through the day.

Featured on itunes was Katie Costello. I won’t lie, I only clicked on it because the tiny album icon had stripes and it caught my eye. I had never heard of her and listened to a few clips and I really loved her voice. It is different and spunky, and that is what I like.

You should check her out. Isn’t it lovely is a…well…it’s a lovely song. 🙂

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Thank you Flickr!

post by: Ryan


Its been a crazy couple years on flickr! I started my flickr account coming back from hawaii and Cambodia discovering the world of DSLRs. I spend the winter reading and researching because I thought i did pretty good with my first camera, a Canon a520 point and shoot. I first saw photos from my friends Nikon D70 and was amazed that stuff like that was possible! I decided on a Nikon D80 that I was hoping to get by Feb of 2007. When I went to the camera store I held the D200 next to the D80 and I had to have the D200!

I started photography loving candid kids shots and planning to try to do it professionally… until I shot my first wedding in May. I was in love. There was just so much going on all day and so much to shoot! I did a few more free weddings and by this time I met my now wife Holly, and shot our first paid wedding in December of ’07. It was very difficult with the pressure of being paid. We have gotten so much better the more weddings we shoot together. I invite you to scan through our earlier photos and see the difference! So much better in editing, and style. We have since done 17 weddings, 31 seniors and spent over $10,000 on equipment! We now have 17 weddings and counting booked for next year, and I will be joining Holly, going full time working in photography!

I never could have done all this so quick without Flickr and the people on it! Flickr has been part of our life and we see flickr as a collaborative person. We are always checking to see if Flickr loves us! It seems flickr enjoys us a little bit. We have surpassed 50,000 photo stream views, and a quarter million individual image views! We have 151 contacts that I love to check up on, and over 400 people that call us a contact! Can you tell I love stats? I wish I knew how many shots I have taken since then. Last time I checked there was 62,000 images in my computer’s hard drive. Minus all the copies in there, but then I am sure we deleted an equal amount!

We are constantly evolving and our style has become more and more our own! Thank you so much to everyone that has ever given us comments of encouragement and letters full of kind words! Thanks again everyone. I must also thanks the Lord for giving Holly and I the talent to do something we love for a living! I can’t wait to use my talent for him overseas!!