
“be not blind for the soul lies deep”

Archive for June, 2008

Our Vows

Ryan and I chose to write our own vows for the wedding. I highly recommend doing this as it makes the ceremony so personal and intimate. When will there be a better time to open your heart and share how much you love your future spouse in front of everyone you know and love. As you can see, our writing styles are very different but showcase who we are and how we communicate. I love weddings that are a little less traditional and a little more real and personal.

So for all of you who either could not make it to the wedding or just could not hear them – enjoy! :

It was really hard for me to summarize what I vow to you. It is unbelievable what God has brought each of us through to get to this place right now. I feel like my words are so small and just can’t express how thankful I am that God made you for me…and as of today, I get you forever.

There is nothing in this world that can hold us back but ourselves, and I promise to put forth my best effort to be strong when your not and lift you up when things get frustrating. I feel like our dreams and ambitions are so strong and clear that God has a purpose greater than ourselves. His plan is why we are together and I promise to faithfully be by your side every step of the way to fulfill it. I promise to trust you, lean on you, and be there for you no matter what.

I promise to always be open and excited to travel to new places as that will be a huge part of our lives and God’s plan for us. I promise to be willing to try new things even if they terrify me. and to trust that you wouldn’t put me in harms way and that you just want the best for me.

I know that there will be difficult times or things just won’t go right, but I promise to try and always be thankful for all the amazing things we do have in spite of what life brings our way. I hope that in the times that I forget to be thankful, you will be there to remind me and I will be there to remind you as well so we never take anything for granted.

I promise to put you before myself and do everything in my power to be there for you and help you in any way possible.

I know that I will just be human and that I will make mistakes. but I promise to always be open to learning from them even when I am being stubborn.

You are my best friend and now your going to be family and that means the world to me. I am thrilled to experience life with you because everything just means more when you can share it with someone you love and the thought of that gives me an unmeasurable amount of joy in my heart. It is so comforting to know that there is a reason we are standing here today. You are a rare find and only God could have created a man so unique that fits perfectly with me.

Most of all, I promise you will always be my #2 and God will always hold His place as the first love of my life. I know that it is only with that that our marriage will be filled with love that only He can give us the ability to have, give and experience.

I love you Ryan and i’m ready to be your wife and your helper and to love you sacrificially and unconditionally for the rest of our days together.

You are my prize of patience.
God has always promised me reward if I honor his will
His will isn’t easy and I wasn’t perfect, yet he still showed me his perfect grace.
When I cried out to find you, he challenged me further.
He challenged me to know him first. To love him first.
It was the biggest test of patience I have ever faced.
The reward was great… and the responsibility, even greater.

Therefor I promise to love you as he loves,
To guard you     as he guards, and to grow us in his love forever more.
I promise to stand above the world’s standard of effort, loyalty and patience.
I wont cease to try knowing you will love me if I don’t.
I will seek your love everyday.

I promise to defend you from those that mistreat you
I promise to guard your sensitive heart God has given you.
I promise to appreciate your whole being. All that he has made you.

Mostly I vow to put him first, and you second. And I pray you do the same.
I promise to love you more tomorrow then I do today,
as long as God blesses me with life, I will love you.
Through stress and pain, Angst and apathy
I will be yours and you will be mine. Forever, so help me God

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